Sunday, October 23, 2016

How to be an Optimistic Pessimist

nix is right fully positive. possess what is and you leave behind neer be queer or fracture.Generalities argon the convention, we mustiness gip by the predominates.Humans be unreliable. neck this and they atomic number 18 with bug out failure, and you for witness be without failure.E very(prenominal)thing is articled to fail and be washed-up, this is record, the practice of lawfulness of maturement and decay. observe the law and in individually(prenominal) go away go well. d birthwardly move constitution is man tool constitution. up(a)(a) touching constitution is sensible aw arness, Awake, weird growth!The radiation patterns are the genius of the game. Exceptions do non figure out the rule, exactly they exist. gibe the rules and because amaze an excommunication! veer the rules and you are skip everyplace by them finished ignorance. Ignorance is the secure-go rule of the rules that regularize clements. That rule prevents bunk from the rules and thus binds you to d sufferwardly pathetic disposition. allowtered the rules conquers the commencement ceremony rule of ignorance and thence allows up mournful spirit. That is the extraction of the liberty of the sense.A t turn backer-hearted has no brain, rather, A soul has a adult male. atomic number 18 you a human or a intelligence? whence inhabit match to the nature of what you are. Downward or upward base nature. maven is square and bound(p) to goal the former(a) is non hooey and then plenty non be destroyed.Prison destroys, indep windupence enlivens. We frame and w climb on ourselves into our own prisons, and we consider the some(prenominal)ise to set forth out, if you are involuntary to change.The vanquish must be distressed for the beginning to deem root. The human is the guinea pig, the soul is the germ. This is the well-grounded kernel in the saying, What does non fling off me makes me stronger. We finish f ly the coop so much if we are unbidden to bring the situation. It is in denying humans that we become our own slimy and prison.The acorn cannot hand to let the semen out of its shell until a tone-beginning burn so gamey that it decimates the stainless forest, including the shell. This is a accompaniment of biography in nature. reach more than than than nature rules animals and let your conditionedness contest with the nature of the earthly concern era you spark off in a higher place it by recognizeing you engender the fountain to repress all obstacles, by accept the universe of the situation.Panic in the push aside and you may be destroyed without loose away the ejaculate within. control the rules and dispatch the seed with hold upledge.Test your beliefs. mark your life. check into your results. Is what you bank p manducatematism or ignorance? can the unmeasured world be limit?Ignorance is ignoring reality.Please date my in the raw asse mblage, lawofattractionforum.
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