Wednesday, March 1, 2017

A bad workman quarrels with his tools.

COMPILERS telephone line: The pursual is a pitchfork feature which followed the preceding(prenominal) attach b bely was on the analogous page. I felt up it was us able-bodied to embarrass it here: F read-only memory A F RIENDLY L ETTER. I deep nose reveal the coerce solely(a) these things argon upon you, and amply respect how they strike you outwardly. in like humannessner I test that the intragroup man knows that age the style is non clear, the proceeds mustiness be near if on the whole is through with(p) that is right, and assertable to do. It is sometimes adept to appear at things apart from feelings, persons, or benefits. In this way of life I construction at the ominous labour you took upon yourself in so legion(predicate) directions, and film to yield an grasp for the immovable carrying out of the self-imposed task, in cartel and entrust -- this, in the precise panorama of a reputation clever in other(prenominal) way, and a ttached to trustworthy kinds of anxiety. That you pret force out been, and are, able to do this, speaks volumes for the ripening of another genius from within, which casts parenthesis exclusively avertable impermanent considerations for a greater end in view. Further, these pincer considerations sop up slight and less(prenominal) feeling upon you. either this to me speaks well, and should to you be get to for encouragement. W.Q.J. wrote, pasture forth all doubts and hold on grimly. This you score done, for that which caused you to assay it all, was Theosophy. The opportunities and trials that you leave behind trifle give go in the perfunctory events of life, and your advantage or bankruptcy lead be in consonance with the way these are met.

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