Sunday, January 26, 2014

Clytaemnestra and penelope - a

In twain The Odyssey and Agamemnon the constituent of women is presented from a patriarchal and woman hater perspective. This is shown in the devil main young-bearing(prenominal) characters of genus genus Penelope and Clytaemnestra. Their situations offer examples of the rewards of fulfilling societys womanly gender theatrical role in the case of Penelope; the consequences of spill that role are exhibit by Clytaemnestra. In twain stories women are shown as chattel, possessions for distribution to cement political moves, layover families and produce children. Clytaemnestra and Penelope are diametrically opposed representations of women in ancient Greece and as such impart an understanding of the roles of women and how women were viewed by their society. The Hellenic ideal of womanhood is seen in those behaviors admired in women. This may be observed through how they are described. It is non possible to give an accurate definition of womens roles in Greek society from devil fictional stories written by men. These allow for be skewed by the views held by their authors, rather than caseful of societys views. However they do offer at least two viewpoints from which to analyze the roles of women in ancient Greece. Skills play an important role in determining value among women. This is seen when Athena presents herself to Odysseus (Homer, page 239, lines 368-370) ...she seemed a woman,/ tall and beautiful and no doubt skilled/ at weaving splendid things. Clytaemnestra states how skilled she is at dyeing bronze. Penelope is constantly praised for her weaving, which is used to illustrate her cleverness in adept story. Domestic skills are presented as desirable as show by the reactions of the other characters with whom the women interact. That women were considered mere possessions is expressed clearly when unrivalled of Penelopes suitors suggests what he thinks should happen with her and the estate: (Homer, page... If you want to get a full essay, ! order it on our website:

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