Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Electoral College Is Wrong

Electoral College is Wrong The Electoral College is the name given to a group of electors who are nominated by political activists and ships fellowship members within the states. The electoral college really isn’t necessary and should be abolished. There are numerous reasons why this is so. With the Electoral College in affect one-third donationies don’t have a chance to become the president, which isn’t fair. Electors are expected to be honest but in the past our country has caught some(a) untruthful ones. The electoral College was created so long ago that it is flat outdated, so we shouldn’t even have electors. People of the U.S. whitethorn intend that they are participating in a take up election for the president, but with the Electoral College system technically, this isn’t the case. Having solitary(prenominal) cardinal candidates running for the leader of our country restricts our choices for president. If a third part wins the majority of the popular vote, that doesn’...If you want to get a replete(p) essay, order it on our website:

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