Thursday, January 23, 2014


MY JOURNALS MY JOURNAL ABOUT JOINT VARIATION JANUARY 15, 2012 Discussing the lesson about vocalise divergence by Mr. Gellido is so exciting because I chouse that this event is truly(prenominal) primary(prenominal) to many student alike me. I learned that we need to write first the formula of the given up difficulty because it is the well-nigh important because we shadowt solve the problem without conditioned what is is the formula given. Thats all... 1. What I like most in our lesson is WHEN induction THE MISSING K. 2. What I like least(prenominal) in our lesson is decision THE FORMULA. 3. I understand joint transition fully well although Im perplexing to the other formula. 4. I think this emergence is useful in our whole bearing. My Journal about have Variation JANUARY 15, 2012 Studying the lesson about DIRECT VARIATION is very important to us. Mr. Gellido tells us that direct variation is a round-eyed problem that shows clearly the idea of the direct relationship betwixt quantities. I study hard because this study is not late for me because Im confusing to the other problem. 1. What I like most in our lesson is DIRECT VARIATON. 2. What I like least in our lesson is WHEN SOLVING THE hassleS. 3. I dont understand the HARD PROBLEM in full well because IM CONFUSING. 4. I think this topic is USEFUL IN OUR WHOLE LIFE. My Journal about opposite word Variation December 18, 2011 listening to Mr. Gellido when he discussing what is inverse variation is cause of having a intimacy about that kind of topic. So Im happy because I can use it for my whole life. Although Im confusing to the other equation entirely I study very well for my future. We know that maths is one of the difficult idea that we need to study barely always know that life is not complete without MATHEMATICS. 1. WHAT I LIKE MOST IN OUR LESSON IS SOLVING THE INVERSE VARIATION. 2. WHAT I LIKE LEAST IN OUR LESSON IS FINDING THE MISSING VALUE. 3. I UN DERSTAND THE SOLVING AND FINDING THE VALUES ! OR equation ALTHOUGH IM CONFUSING. 4. I THINK THIS study IS USEFUL IN...If you want to fasten a full essay, gear up it on our website:

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