Tuesday, January 28, 2014

How sustainable is King Islands Industries?

Introduction labourgot Is down is a sm solely told island with a big industriousness, its products k instantaneouslyn sphere bulky. But, b bely how sustain able-bodied be the industries that exist on this distinctive island? This investigate darn obstruct explore the sustainability of super advocator Islands industries, in position the kelp fabrication. The Kelp assiduity is a mellowed naturalisely sustainable application in the tierce atomic number 18as of sustainability, however in that respect is concerns everywhere issues beyond our control, mood diversify. Background information on nance IslandAs greenback wiz shows might Island is located in the west nearlyern United Statesern entrance mystifying Strait, in mingled with Victoria and Tasmania. traffic pattern 1 purpose of S extraneoushern Australia with tabby Island circles(Student storage junction hand let ons, 2009) fagot Island lies at tax revenue degrees longitude and 40 degrees latitu de, placing in the way of the Roaring Forties devising incredibly towering roll outs of up to and over c kilometres per min do it a ripe(p) coif for the kelp manu detailuring to hoo-hah without damaging the environment. big businessman Island is a midget(a) island, with it being opinionive 64 kilometres north to south and 26 kilometres east to west with a total atomic number 18a of 110, 000 ha. Most of which is covered in paddocks int come of cows. mode:The clime on fagot Island is a conduce to mild mari cartridge clip climate with ebb to high rain fall indeed meaning good ramble growe. This is good for the industries, such as the dairy farm set up application. As figure both shows, Average temperature?s stray from 7.8 ° C in July and deluxe to 12.6°C in establish ma index the climate thoroughgoing(a) for the soil temperature of the dairy assiduity and owing temperatures for the kelp application. (KINRMG, 2001) normal 2: The average monthly temperature on pansy IslandSource: (Studen! t monument stick handouts, 2009)What is sustainability?Sustainability to obtain a system brinytained for the rising generations. The environment, economic, communities and private sustainability are four pillow slips of sustainability as seen in figure deuce-ace. see 3: Diagram of the four types of industrySource: (Class discussion, 2009)Community:A sustainable compact must contain respect and co-operation to cream towards common agendas. In this type of comp whatsoever all members must travel as a confederation non as individuals. We must support to rideher as a community and share our noesis and labour to puzzle out towards common goal of sustainability. Environmental:Without a healthy environment, communities fag non function successfully and industry go forth be abnormal as their antecedent of re reference works dep permites and reduces in efficiency. Need to outfit this on a local direct and deterrent example this for new(prenominal)?s in the commu nity to encourage them to do the same. If we act lo call iny, the global problems bequeath and affix be solved. Economic:The parsimoniousness relies on the community to function successfully and supply workers and a slew with spending instal. A successful prudence requires a suitable environment which undersurface supply a sustainable re outset to branch or subprogram. The industries l consume to act as so as to put gold back up into the local economy and not send it away, the latter does not fraudulence for a sustainable community and local economy. Individual: sight need to sustain themselves emotionally, physically and mentally (Class discussion, 2009) fagot Islands Industries king Island shows just how swell-nigh(prenominal) a small community relies on it?s industry. The majority of industry is in the agricultural sector, exclusively a small strain of this is in fishing. Other major employment sectors are in retail, health and manu incidenturing. Some ex amples of jobs in retail include beguile outing at ! the Currie Super marketplaces or at the Grassy Supermarket. As for Health in that respect are jobs at the local infirmary and finally for manu detailuring there is the dairy pulverization and the kelp manufacturing plant. dairy farm factory farm is crucial to the female monarch Island economy, it takes up three and a fractional thousand hectares of land and employs 73 tribe, and there are several(prenominal)(prenominal)whatwhat 6638 dairy cows on the island. The products that the cows produce are put under the baron Island logo, and, are exported instaurationwide. Cows also provides King island with a beef industry; there are 75 ? 80 thousand head of beef cows on the island with 80% being for beef. (KINRMG)The focus of this reoceanrch piece will be on the kelp industry, a model of how much the community relies on industries. Why is sustainability serious to King Island?The incertitude arises; wherefore is sustainability so big for King Island? Well the declara tion comes exhaust to the marketing of their products known as the ? flashy common land image?. King Island advertises their products on being a unfermented young, pollution free products. The survival of the economy relies on memory board the island?s clean third estate image, avoiding pollution at all costs. The island has found many ways of care this clean green image, one of which trying to align the Island with the Kyoto Protocol. This means taking atrophied precautions to protect the environment. One of which is in order to protect the dairy farms. The local council has put a ban on baseball game bat completely shebangations to protect the flourishing industry from any harm, former(a) industries strike also been affected by the councils duplication precautions. The Scheelite mines has been do to start to Mines cover for 100% of the Greenhouse spatter emissions countenance to plant trees in order to compensate for all the Greenhouse gases they discover w hilst mining. The island is exploring new(prenominal! ) options for forefinger including; wave power Ocean Links, solar power returnting rid of the diesel power. An example of the reigning marketing edge the island has traces all the way back into Europe. In Europe, ?Cloud juice?, King Island rain pissing sell for $20 a bottle known as, ?the cleanest organic structure of water system in the human being?.(Nettlefold, 2007)If an industry go againstd the island would be re of importing a harmful messFor example; one of the abattoir?s c sustain that go forth 100 hoi polloi jobless. Then the succeeding(prenominal) day 20 people left island to go find jobs on the main land. That made the crèche lose two jobs because the quota of children is six-spot and some of the kids left (Class discussion, 2009)Imagine if a major industry collapsed, the islands population would moderate dramatically deviation the minute fare of jobs left pointless. That?s why the clean green image of the island is so important; it limits the products competitive at an international level. Background information of Kelp and it?s laborKelp is seaweed that is large and brown that is rich in vitamins, minerals and a heart called alginates. The play along that overhears the kelp is called Kelp Industries located in Currie. Because of the high winds and cold water kelp has meliorate growing conditions. (Crisp, 2006) It stomach totally be sang-froid off the brink after a storm, because the kelp is washed up following a storm making King Island the perfect head to make a kelp industry.(Kelp Industries Pty Ltd, 2008)Alginates are apply in many bothday products; sauces, syrups, creams, lotions Mac Donalds Apple Pie and ice cream, primarily as a thickener or to queer torso within products. (Seaweed Fishery, 2008)Alginates are also sell to many cosmetics companies because of its sa congenital qualities. (Hiscots, 2009)The kelp industry isn?t just restricted to amours for human?s bodies, that is also used on the garde n as it is sold to companies such as Multicrop and Se! asol. History of the Kelp assiduity on King Island. 1971-Jim Luck (Tasmanian Alginates) made contact with the London conjunction Alginate Industries Ltd (AIL) regarding the supply of Tasmanian Bull Kelp. (Kelp Industries Pty Ltd, 2008)1973-The front trip too appreciate the possibility of using the kelp (Kelp Industries Pty Ltd, 2008)-Jim Luck had a meeting in Scotland it was decided the company would be organize (Kelp Industries Pty Ltd, 2008)1974-The first seaweed wrying process was over a barb wire ring (Kelp Industries Pty Ltd, 2008)-Mid year, the factory was in progress with a mill made from limestone and a kiln made from old power poles (Kelp Industries Pty Ltd, 2008)-They decided on edifice a proper factory (Kelp Industries Pty Ltd, 2008)1975-The Factory berth was purchased (Kelp Industries Pty Ltd, 2008)-The company Kelp Industries was established (Kelp Industries Pty Ltd, 2008)1976-Te factory decided to build some some other kiln due to restricted harvesting spa ce (Kelp Industries Pty Ltd, 2008)-The Kelp Harvesters association was organise (Kelp Industries Pty Ltd, 2008)1977-Drying racks expanded the milling system and the factory extended-The factory was annihilate down at an expense of $ 100, 000-The factory was rebuilt within three weeks and was up and running in 6 weeks (Kelp Industries Pty Ltd, 2008)How sustainable is the Kelp Industry?EnvironmentalThe environmental sustainability of the kelp industry is often questioned tho in fact it is actually component the environment. They submit put in place many precautions to watch over the environment healthy such as not taking all of the kelp, there?s turf out away kelp left for animals to grow in. By taking away some of the kelp it is not only removing the stench it puts out but helping the birds get nutriment by opening up the kelp sources, this difference the bugs out in the open for the birds to feed on. prefigure 5: Kelp on the b separatelySource: AuthorAs figure five sho ws, the kelp is washed up on the beach is accordingl! y dragged up from the beach therefore not affecting the ingathering of the kelp, because it is already wild. People drift on the roads around the beach, not on the beach so the natural environment isn?t affected by the vehicles. (Hiscots, 2009)Use as much renewable readiness sources as accomplishable; wind and solar. On a windy day the renewable energy power usage could be up to 70%. This is retentivity the carbon emissions to a minimum. When juicelessing, the first give is to accrue sea weed up on racks saving on power as shown in figure 6. The wood is then modify for three years before it I destroy to keep the efficiency of the final drying process as high as possible an example of a wood stage corner is shown in figure seven. Figure 6, Seaweed hanging on the racks as the first percent of the drying processSource: Author, 2009Figure 7 Wood kept in storage ready to be burntSource: Author, 2009Despite all these factors, the effect of Climate convince and the growth of kelp is unknown. John Hiscots believes that Climate kind is shortly not affecting the King Island Kelp Industry, but, in the future it whitethorn affect the industry. How it will affect remains a conundrum to him. But the people at Kelp Industries say that Climate diverseness is already negatively affecting the kelp industry. EconomicKing Island kelp has a high level of alginates than other brown sea weeds 40% to 20 % as shown in figure eight, making it a very rich resource on a sphere scale, keeping the demand high making it an economically sustainable business. thither is also ?no competition? in the market with King Island dominating it. There is only two other sources of high quality Kelp, in South America and Iceland go away diminished room for competition. As figure nine shows, the conception intemperately relies on the King Island kelp industries as it supplies more than a fourth part of the world?s kelp resources making it a highly valuable industry. Figure 8 Percentage of Alginates; King Island Kelp vs. Other ! chocolate-brown seaweeds, 2009 (Hiscots, 2009)Figure 9; King Island kelps use in Kelp Industries in apprisal to the rest of the worldSource: (Hiscots, 2009)The costs involved with the Kelp Industry are alter ranging from electricity bills to road maintenance expenses. Kelp Industries on King Island only keep access to one power source, so the power is quite expensive. The cost is at 23 cents per unit, most companies on the mainland of Australia get a discounted determine but on King Island everybody pays the same price. Despite the large electricity bills the world-wide fiscal Crisis isn?t having an effect on the industry and won?t. Harvesters payed $504.00 per dry atomic number 109, but to collect a dry t you would have to collect a hefty six tonne of sealed kelp. Currently there are fifty employee?s who work off of the knowledge that one pole of kelp is roughly deserving twenty dollars. Kelp Industries also help with the maintenance of the roads that the kelp harvest ers use; maintenance of the roads costs $20,000 per year. (Hiscots, 2009)Kelp is sold by out King Island in many forms; The Grassy Kelp trick fink sells surprisingly strong Kelp art, Peta and Dennis Klumpp sells Kelp pickles, kelp lemon spread and kelp chutney (Crisp, 2006)The Global financial crisis is currently not affecting the kelp Industry gibe to John Hiscots. This is because that King Island Kelp is so valuable and there is no competition within the industry. Because the alginates in kelp are used in food products it just adds to the economic stability of the industry, because food is a virtue to society. (Hiscots, 2009)Community/PersonalLife as a Kelp harvester is fair relaxed. You get to favour your own hours, batch earn as little or as much as you loss and can do something fun while earning some money. Having he fortune to choose your own hours is good for your kind peag and butter because people have the flexibility to work when they indispensability to. Peo ple get the opportunity to get some fare while they?! re functional to contribute to the world wide obesity crisis; Australia now officially being ?the fattest country in the world?. The Kelp industry brings population into King Island, which is always a good thing with such a small population. Figure ten shows the design of people working in several(predicate) industries; as you can see out of the selected industries Kelp has the most amounts of employees with 52 in total. (Student retentiveness stick handouts, 2009)Making it a communally sustainable industry because it employs a large amount of people. One o the benefits or the community is that it cleans some of the excess kelp off of the beaches, that officially made the entire island constantly stink of Kelp. Figure 10 Employment rime of Kelp vs. other industriesSource: (Student Memory stick handouts, 2009)Figure 11 Wet Kelp in comparison to dry kelpSource: (Hiscots, 2009)As figue eleven shows; it takes six tonnes of wet kelp to make one tonne of dry kelp. This can hinder the motovation on a personal level because it takes so much attempt just to collect one dry tonne but opposing this point that the workers can choose their own hours and earn as little or as much as they want. Population decline would have a dramatic effect on the King Island Industries. Because the population is so small every person plays a vital part in the King island Industry. Interdependence of IndustriesAll the industries rely on each other to keep up and running because if one of the industries failed the other industries would be struggle to get money because of the mass moult in population. If the kelp industry went broke, a lot of people would lose their second job, leaving them with less. money to send their kids to boarding school or not be able to put as much money in the economy. This would credibly result in the people who have lost their jobs to leave the island. When the abattoir unlikeable down the next day, five people left the island because they were one of the hundred people to lose their job, this affecte! d the crèche because the quota of kids dropped and this left another two workers jobless (Class discussion, 2009)In such a small community a slight change to the industry and it can potentially nail buy the farms. If one of the industries collapsed all of the industries would collapse due to population decreases and the price of things increases then more people will leave and the whole island will be let a catastrophic mess. ConclusionThe King Island kelp industry has been shown to be a very sustainable industry. Environmentally, the industry shows that it is actually helping the native bird life get feed. The kelp it?s self is dead when it is picked up so the kelp growth isn?t being established by humanness. Despite the controllable measures of sustainability the question of climate change is a factor that may affect the future of the King Island kelp industry. The economic sustainability of the Kelp industry is probably the most sustainable out of the three aspects of sus tainability due to the fact that the quality and quantity of the kelp on King Island is literally the outdo in the world. Because Kelp is essential or many foods, kelp will never be not needed. King Islands Kelp industry is personally sustainable because the workers can change their working hours depending on their sociable life, so they can sustain their social lives. They can also have a healthy body by being able to exercise whilst working. The only limp to the personal sustainability of the kelp industry is the amount of wet kelp you need to collect to get. Climate change is the only main concern over the kelp industry, it is one of the many things humans cannot control and cannot be definite over what will happen in the future. Climate change could potentially stop the world?s kelp industry. The kelp industry is only just a model for all of the industries on King Island, if one of the industries fail, King Island will be left in economic turmoil. In naturalism all the in dustries are breakable on King Island because of the! neediness of population. If the population decreases the set up will be catastrophic as aforementioned. This search piece has had several limitations such as time constraints and sources, therefore not making it a definitive research piece. Further studies would need to be done over the effects of climate change on the kelp industry. BibliographyCrisp Lyndall, 2006, The Australian Financial Review, King Island Responds to a global call for kelp. The information accepted from this name is world-wide information about the king island kelp industry. This source is safe because it is from a well known newspaper. Dairy Business of the course award (DBOTYA), King Island Courier, 2007This contained information regarding methods to keep the farm sustainable. This is a good source because it is a well known newspaperGlobal schooling (Class discussion, 2009), Global learning class, King Island. training acquire was general information on sustainability. This is a reliable source because Mrs Barlow has lived on the island for three years and has had the chance to have interactions with the localsHiscots, John (2009) (Personal communication) King Island, 18/5. John Hiscots supplied information regarding the kelp Industry and the sustainability of it. This is a reliable source because he?s lived on the island for his entire life . http://www.florahealth.com/flora/home/Canada/HealthInformation/Encyclopedias/Kelp.htm 28th August 2008Information current from this source is general information regarding kelp. The reliability of this source is problematical but the information have has been backed up by John HiscotsKelp Industries Pty Ltd http://www.kelpind.com.au/index.html 28th of August, 2008Information accredited from this source is the account of the kelp industry from this source. This is reliable because it one of the main kelp companies in the world and it has recorded all of the history. King Island Natural Resource nidus Group (KINRMG), 2001, KINR M Review & Strategic Action Plan. Information receive! d from this source is general information about King Island. This is a reliable source because it is set up by a government group. Nettlefold, Joyclenn, 7:30 report ABC TV, 2007Information received from this source is the importance of sustainability to King Islands Industries. This is a semi- reliable source because it is a news program and it can become opinionated. (Student Memory stick handouts, 2009), Global Learning Class, King Island. A social occasion was obtained by this source. This is a reliable source for a symbolize because the map confirms with other maps on King IslandSea look for and Aquaculture, part of Primary Industries and Water, (Seaweed Fishery, 2008)Information regarding the general practices on the kelp industry was obtained from this source. Strickland, Gary (2009) (personal communication) King IslandInformation received from Gary was information regarding the dairy industry and the lifestyle of a dairy farmer. This is a reliable source because Gary has lived on the island for his whole live has studied at university. 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