Monday, January 13, 2014

The Crusades

The Crusades had attempted to retake the Holy Land from the Muslims but did non succeed. The Crusades can be said as the most heavy even of the Middle Ages because of their positive and invalidating cause. maven of the negative effects the Crusades had was the religious persecution. The Teutonic Knights where the German Crusaders in Palestine. Granada was the metropolis in Spain, which were controlled by the Moors (Muslims). The hatred between the Muslim and Christians were cardinal of the large negative effects that the Crusades had. The Muslims and Christians did not like distributively different a lot. The Crusades had more positive effects than negative. One of the positive effects where the new products and views that were introduced into Europe. Since more commonwealth had discharge time, pile thought of things that would be salutary to retain. Many people invented nonaged things to help them with their daily life. more or slight people thought up big ideas and products that can rattling help them grow faster. Some of the inventions they had were the plow, mill and horse harness. An idea that was thought up was threesome orbital cavity planting. trio field planting was a constitution of planting in which three fields were used for planting, 2 at a time. is a professional essay writing service at which you can buy essays on any topics and disciplines! All custom essays are written by professional writers!
This was adept because it game one field a domicile so the ground doesnt wear out. The Crusades as well as make eastern and western trade easier, which was very good because cities can get the food and supplies they needed without having a bar anymore. The Crusades also helped make the cities grow larger and en couraged the increase of money and banking ! more due to the people that did not squander much to do. If you want to get a full essay, afford it on our website:

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