Sunday, January 19, 2014

Rappers Glamorize Drugs

Scott Anderson 2/18/09 Writing 160, Trupiano Do you think that bung music glamorizes do drugs use? Through recent try on I have undercoat an article about a nurture on the glamourization of drugs, University of California- Berkeley; New study finds glamourisation of drugs in rap music jumped dramatically over 2 decades. Denise flock, associate professor in the division of Community wellness and Human Development at the University of California Berkeleys make for of Public Health, and a squad of hers conducted this study. During the study Herd and her group looked at the lyrics to the aggrandisement 341 rap songs from 1979 to 1997 as determined by Billboard and Gavin music rating services. Researchers involved with the experiment examined the songs for magnetic dip of drugs, behavior and contexts surrounding the mention of drugs, as well as attitudes and consequences stemming from the use of drugs. Research lay down that of the 38 most popular rap so ngs from 1979-1984 only 4 songs contained drug references, that is 11 percent. The persona of rap songs with drug references jumped drastically in the early 90s to 45 percent, this percentage improverd to 69 percent of the top 125 songs betwixt 1994 and 1997. is a professional essay writing service at which you can buy essays on any topics and disciplines! All custom essays are written by professional writers!
The study also found that the expression rap artist would allude to drugs changed with the years, early songs with drug references exchangeable White lines by Grandmaster Flash talked about the destructiveness of crack, cocain in its freebase form. Although, this warning about the destructiveness of a drug like cocaine faded away in the ear ly 90s and rap artist began to portray the u! se of ganja in their rhymes. The study documented a threefold increase between 1979 and 1997 in rap songs mention of marijuana use. The study found that artist would associate marijuana use with creativity, wealth, and status. Herd references to a 1996 article in Vibe, a magazine that covers renal rose hip hop culture, that highlights Cypress Hills, a rap group, demonstration album that celebrates marijuana use as...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website:

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